Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Smoke-Free Oman: Ban Imposed on E-Cigarettes, Hookahs, and Similar Devices in Latest Regulatory Move

In a significant move aimed at safeguarding public health, the Sultanate of Oman has introduced a groundbreaking directive – Resolution No. 756 of 2023. This resolution effectively bans the distribution and use of electronic cigarettes, electronic hookahs, and their associated accessories.

In a decision endorsed by the Consumer Protection Authority, a comprehensive resolution has been implemented – Resolution No. 756 of 2023. This resolution comprises multiple articles that meticulously delineate the extent of the imposed ban and the corresponding penalties. Article-I takes a definitive stance by categorically prohibiting the trade of electronic cigarettes, hookahs, and their accessories, leaving no room for ambiguity regarding the usage and sale of such products.

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Article-II of the resolution delineates the penalties for contravening the ban, signaling a substantial escalation in fines, particularly for recurrent violations. Stringent measures aimed at dissuading the illicit distribution of electronic smoking devices may involve a twofold increase in fines for those found in violation.

In a move to strengthen regulations, Article-III of the resolution invalidates Resolution No. 698/2015 and any conflicting provisions. This step is crucial to ensure clarity and effectiveness in addressing issues associated with the increasing popularity of electronic smoking devices.

The resolution emphasizes the prompt enforcement of the ban, as highlighted in Article-IV. It specifies that the decision will be officially published in the Official Gazette and will come into effect the day after its publication.

Swift actions like these underscore the earnestness of Omani authorities in addressing the proliferation of electronic smoking devices.

The resolution not only intensifies penalties for violations, elevating them from 500 Omani rials to 1,000 Omani rials, but it also introduces an additional administrative penalty of 50 Omani rials per day for repeated offenses, capped at a maximum of 2,000 Omani rials. Notably, all confiscated items will undergo proper disposal processes to eradicate electronic cigarettes and hookahs from circulation.

This directive reflects Oman’s commitment to promoting public health, illustrating the government’s proactive stance in addressing emerging challenges associated with the use of e-cigarettes in the country.

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