Thursday, July 25, 2024

Saudi Arabia Shuts Down 330 Hotels and Apartments in Mecca and Medina

In a recent development, Saudi Arabia’s tourism authorities have taken action by closing down a total of 330 hotels and furnished apartments in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina due to violations. Mecca and Medina are significant destinations for Muslim worshippers.

Saudi Arabia Shuts Down 330 Hotels and Apartments in Mecca and Medina

The closures were a result of inspection tours conducted by the Ministry of Tourism in the kingdom, specifically focusing on hospitality facilities in these two cities. During inspections in Mecca, over 2,000 infringements were identified, leading to the closure of 280 establishments. These closures were enforced due to the businesses operating without obtaining the necessary licenses required for their operation.

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The ministry is urging all tourism service providers to adhere to relevant regulations and uphold quality standards. Operating under the motto “our guests are a priority,” the ministry has initiated inspection campaigns aimed at regulating the sector and elevating the quality of services offered.

This initiative aligns with Saudi Arabia’s broader goal of attracting 100 million tourists by 2030, a key component of its ambitious plan to diversify the economy beyond its reliance on oil. Millions of Muslims, both from within and outside Saudi Arabia, annually converge on the Grand Mosque in Mecca to perform Umrah, a minor pilgrimage, and offer prayers.

Post-Umrah, many pilgrims proceed to the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, Islam’s second holiest site, housing Al Rawda Al Sharifa, where the tomb of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is situated. Saudi Arabia anticipates approximately 10 million Muslims from abroad during the current Umrah season, with dedicated facilities in place to accommodate overseas pilgrims.

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